Friday, February 12, 2010

Goal but No End Result In Mind

You can't enter into entrepreneurship with an "End Result" in mind alone. You have to enjoy the journey, every step of the way. As they say "Always expect the unexpected and then make the best of whatever comes into way"... And no one is sure about what the next round may hold.

Company's future no doubt depends on the moves that management makes in response to any critical situation. The purpose of keeping Goal is to make moves that will respond to many changes in a way that positively affects the performance of the company. Management must set a goal and then decide the strategy to reach the goal, developing or designing strategy is like playing a game, keeping only goal in mind will not lead anywhere.

Most of the time goal of the management is to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, and based on this goal (or any goal depending on the company to company). Such moves are based on an understanding of the opportunities and threats, strength and weaknesses that exists internally as well as externally. If management keeps end result in mind then its very hard to mold the strategy as per the requirement, there won't be any flexibility in the work environment, which is against the goal.

When management keeps Goal in mind then their moves help businesses compete with the cost and quality of the goods and services they offer. Understanding of external and internal environment helps management to decide the moves for achieving goal. To make winning moves, managers must find profitable patterns and business models that meet customer demands. If we see here, customer demand is most of the time subject to market conditions, so keeping end result in mind will lead management in wrong direction. E,g, Goal of the management can be increasing market capital by 10% but keeping exact end result in mind and then deciding the moves alone can lead the company in totally different direction. 
Management strategies are like the chess, in that the goal may be CHECKMATE but achieving it totally depends on opponent's moves. Same is the case with business, no one can tell when there will be a need to fix the strategy on the spot. Skills and experience are required to understand the need to mold the strategy to get work in certain way, this totally depends on an individual, kind of business he/she is in and market condition.
In short keep the Goal in Mind and keep changing the rule to achieve the end result, which can be totally different than thought of  in the start. On every moment keep on changing the moves along with the vision of where to go next....

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