"Stay Hungry Stay Foolish"
"Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
" is One of the Best Book I have ever read on the topic of Entrepreneurship. This book actually gave me inside out of management and the kind of thinking involved by each entrepreneur to handle and solve the problem and tackle the situation. Its not money but it is some internal force to do something different which drives entrepreneurs.
All theory I learned in Management school is okay, but after reading "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
" book I realized that each entrepreneur is different. Though the final result may look same, each one is motivated in different manner by different situations and different kinds of thinking. The only thing which keep entrepreneurs moving is their basic instinct of innovation to keep things rolling. Its more of social traits, "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" has interviews of 25 IIMA graduates which also shows the kind of work done by Authors "Rashmi Bansal". Each entrepreneur in the book if wanted would have got a good salaried job, but to choose the entrepreneurship path each entrepreneur is motivated with some story or situation or some thirst to do something different.
Before reading this book and getting some experience about doing something by my self, I had notion that entrepreneurship is all about status and money, but its not the case, this book is one of the master piece which proves that entrepreneurship is a Social Construction. Its all about learning, making difference.
Learning from any individual, and situation, learning from Colleagues, family members, clients, regulators, investors, competitors, customers etc...., every time when each entrepreneur faced tough situation or problem, none of them ever had an iota of giving up the business, there was always some force to struggle and making it happen. It mentioned in the book as "You have both ups and downs in Business... You need to have Staying Power..."
I found every entrepreneur in "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
" has same kind of thinking i.e. "I am an entrepreneur because I want to create something. It's not the money that motivates but the size, the kind of work and the kind of impact that work can have on an individual and on society." I also found that every entrepreneur is very down to earth and also aware of his/her social responsibilities, they are not some of the very so called high fundoo people but they are just like a common man with the KIDA of doing something different. And I think that is what matters.
"Stay Hungry Stay Foolish
" made me learn not only the management thinking but also to be down to earth same time. One best aspect of "Stay Hungry Stay Foolish" is while doing business; I can learn from all these 25 entrepreneurs from their way of looking at situation, their way of handling business , their passion; and how I can apply it in any situation I come across???
The bottom line which I liked big time is "That's what it all about ultimately- Life, Work, Entrepreneurship;MAKING A DIFFERENCE.
I think this is what I call M.A.D (Make a difference)
Entrepreneurship Matters
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