As Peter Drucker said "Leadership is doing the right things", leadership also includes enabling others to do right things. As a team each individual should be able to know, understand thinking of the leader and for that leader has to be visible to the team, to the organization.
It is critical to be visible, as a leader, team needs to see the leader, hear from him/her and mainly understand the thought process. Once leader is approachable team members are very comfortable in working with a team. There has to be transparency in leader's communication and action. The best way to keep 100% open door policy in office, this creates the sense of belonging in employees and management. In tough environment people misinterpret closed doors as a discussion of bad news. Employees also get wrong impressions about the behaviour of management. In tough times leaders might have to take some very tough decisions like asking employees to leave, whom once the leader had chosen and groomed to make efficient. In such times communication by leader to each individual is also important.
Being visible in big organizations is very hard for the top level management
, flat structure is not always suitable, in such cases top level leaders should make a point that they will meet up their employees and convey the progress, message, if any upcoming projects etc.
Along with employees, leaders
should also be visible to customers; customers should feel that in good as well as bad time leaders & organization as whole thinks about them. When customer get such kind of treatment from junior level employee as well as top level management then in down turn also company is able to survive.
Communication is very critical for a leader, and transparency in communication should be standard practice in organization.
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