One of the biggest management stick is the 'culprit
' technique. This culprit technique is very common and being used in many circles, e.g. schools, politics, social circles. Every time something goes wrong in the organization first thing which comes in our mind it "WHO THE HELL...?", but it is never helps, we need a shift to "WHAT THE HELL...?".
When "WHAT THE HELL...?" comes, we automatically accepts the situation and start looking at it with different point of views. Finding culprit and reacting over it is waste of time. Culprit Hunt is a very natural human reaction, but it is only one of the several and other can be preferred. If we see it more closely, then easy human reactions are many times lousy managerially, managers are always on duty and are not permitted human weaknesses....
Some event happens and some reaction comes, if we go back to the event which caused the reaction, if something has gone wrong then there are several possibilities to consider. It is very dangerous for an organization if the manager doesn't consider all possibilities and stick only to one, he/she should consider other alternative solutions too. There are very few causes which creates problems in organization i.e. Misinterpretation of something, human error may be because of incomplete briefing, error by external party, mechanical failure, mis-communication . To react in better manner, there should be logical approach which can enable us to shift from "WHO THE HELL...?" to "WHAT THE HELL...?". There might be something terribly wrong in organization which needs to be fix as soon as possible. If the manager has approach such from What, How, Why, Where and When; WHO hardly matters in most of the situations.
We are managers
and not politicians, we all are in the organization
with some goal to achieve, so we should do much better!!! After identifying the problem we can correct it and help to avoid recurrence of same & similar kind of problems. Rather than blaming some one, manager should be able to give constructive inputs to the system and people involved. Neighter any system nor any human is foolproof, but every problem gives chance to eliminate some error, to learn something, it is everyday learning which keeps us moving. Weakness of the management which blames are mis-communication, misinterpretation, omission and overreaction; all of these are harmful for the growth of the organization. The idea is to have perfect staff and perfect system but to reach there errors need to corrected.
gets generated because of blame management, costly and irremediable problems are created, blaming creates un-necessary stress in the staff, uncertainty about job position, sense of insecurity among employees. Ofcourse there are people in the organization who has bad points but they can be sort out with training, compensation, by giving warning and making the employee aware about the seriousness of the problem. When we train people, then there are less chances of committing same kind of mistake again, and which actually helps to develop culture in the organization.
Going blameless is one of the though point for any organization, but if management is wise enough to understand the consequences, then it is very serious issue to think about. It should be embedded in the culture of the organization. The shift should be from "WHO TO WHAT"....
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